Glutathione Decreased Toxins In My Body From Sjogren’s

by Diana Zett
(Palmer, TX USA)

Glutathione helped to decrease toxins in my body from Sjogren's. Here is my story.

Aside from having colitis and digestive problems, I was in good health with diet and exercise being a very important part in my life. Then, for several years, what began subtly with my health soon progressively worsened with each passing month. The annoying colitis and digestive problems became major, and soon after I started experiencing bowel problems, bladder, nerve and muscle-related health problems. I suffered from fatigue, and no longer had the energy or strength for daily activities, let alone exercise. I lost over 25 pounds, and within a year was at the weight of 97. Everything began making my symptoms worse from the foods I ate, the soaps and lotions I used, even my eyes were extremely dry, painful and very sensitive to smoke, sunlight, candles and even chemical smells. Every day became a struggle. Not only did my joints hurt, but I was always dealing with fatigue, weak, and out of breath; to climb even a few stairs or even walk a short distance was difficult, at times nearly impossible. I had trouble with my vision, speech, reading, being able to think and remembering things. At 45, this became the most frightening time of my life.

It was during this time that I was still unaware of having an autoimmune disease called Sjogren’s. Because I was totally discouraged with my medical treatment, I took a huge leap of faith and began intravenous therapy in an integrative treatment program for the pain and toxins in the body which I was dealing with. After three months of weekly IV treatments, and learning how to make healthier, yet challenging diet changes, I was amazed at how much better I began to feel. I thought the very worst of my illness (later identified as Sjogren’s) was over; but five weeks later, the symptoms would begin reappearing especially the tingling, numbness and pain in my arms and legs. I started the weekly IV program again for another three months and would get better; but each time as the weeks followed, so would the return of fatigue, chronic pain and the associated digestive problems, bowel problems, and nerve problems. This continued for two years.

In an attempt to gain weight, I took a blood test to find out what nutrients I was not absorbing which was happening from gluten intolerance. I noticed on the test results, along with other nutrients, I was low in glutathione. At that very moment, I realized that one of the IV's that I had been receiving for the past two years contained glutathione and was actually a glutathione injection. By this time, I was officially tested and diagnosed with having both an autoimmune disease called Sjogren’s, which is a multi-organ disorder, and microscopic colitis, which was part of having gluten intolerance for so long. I began researching and learning everything there was concerning glutathione and Sjogren’s. I was astonished at the utmost importance glutathione has in your overall health for all of your organs and tissues - virtually every part of your body including your digestive tract. I wondered how this could make such a profound difference in my health, and yet I had never heard of glutathione before from any of my numerous physicians, not even from the rheumatologist who had finally diagnosed my Sjogren’s. It didn’t take long to learn from my visits that many just are not yet medically aware of the unequivocal value of glutathione in your health.

It is extremely important with Sjogren’s that I keep my glutathione levels high, the toxins in my body low, and a total avoidance of gluten due to my gluten intolerance. I have tried other products to help raise my glutathione levels, but Glutathione Precursor made the most significant difference in my health. Besides being scientifically and clinically proven to raise glutathione levels, it also holds 6 U.S. patents and is listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) and the Pharmacist's Red Book which was important to me. Glutathione Precursor clearly works for me making a revolutionary difference in my health and also now in the health of my family. Being able to sleep through the night without chronic pain, saying goodbye to fatigue and having the energy to get up early and live each day doing the things I never thought I could again do are just a few of the true blessings that I no longer take for granted thanks to raising my glutathione with Glutathione Precursor.

If you would like to experience similar results, click here to try Glutathione Precursor for yourself. It would be a pleasure to personally work with you in helping to improve your health.

Or you can call me for a free personal consultation first:

Diana Zett 972-935-7004

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