Are There Any Drug Interactions With Immunocal?

No. Immunocal is a food, and as such, may be taken safely with any and all medications. Any possible drug interactions would be noted in the PDR for Immunocal. Here is what the Physician's Desk Reference Listing for Immunocal states:


IMMUNOCAL is contraindicated in individuals who develop or have known hypersensitivity to specific milk proteins.


Each sachet of IMMUNOCAL contains nine grams of protein. Patients on a protein-restricted diet need to take this into account when calculating their daily protein load. Although a bovine milk derivative, IMMUNOCAL contains less than 1% lactose and therefore is generally well tolerated by lactose-intolerant individuals.


Patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy should discuss the use of this product with their health professional.

Adverse Reactions

Gastrointestinal bloating and cramps if not sufficiently rehydrated. Transient urticarial-like rash in rare individuals undergoing severe detoxification reaction. Rash abates when product intake stopped or reduced.


Overdosing on IMMUNOCAL has not been reported.

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