Does Glutathione Help With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) ?


The impact of glutathione on a condition such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is quite complex. It is commented on by Dr. Jimmy Gutman in his latest bestseller, "Glutathione- Your Key To Health" on pages 23-36 here:

"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity:"

"These three health problems are dealt with together here for several reasons. They are mutually connected to a combination of environmental exposure to toxins, inappropriate immunological response and genetic predisposition. Because symptoms may be intermittent and vary from one person to another, many doctors are reluctant to offer firm clinical diagnoses, and these disease names and definitions have taken the medical community a long time to accept. Some small groups of physicians still feel these diseases are just various manifestations of a psychological disease...

A recent article in the American Journal of Medicine by I.R. Bell, C.M. Baldwin, and G.E. Schwartz at the University of Arizona set out to summarize the relation of chronic fatigue syndrome to chemical sensitivity. They determined that severe chemical sensitivity is a factor in about one-fifth to one-half of chronic fatigue patients, and in about 5% of the American population...

A discussion of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also called chronic fatigue/immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) would not be out of place in our chapter on Immunology (Chapter 3). From a causal point of view, CFS is less of a toxicological problem and more typical of an immune disorder. It is best classified as a post-viral or post-infectious syndrome. The causal sequence often begins with an acute vital illness. This is usually followed by an overactive lymphatic response - swollen glands or lymph node enlargement (a symptom of "glandular fever"). For unknown reasons, some people develop an abnormal immunological and neuro-endocrinological response. This inability to fight health threats combines with an imbalance in the body's hormonal secretions, then begins to produce the symptoms of CFS.

Rheumatologists have now better defined the syndrome to enable more accurate diagnosis. It is characterized by persistent fatigue, musculo-skeletal pain, sleep disturbance and cognitive and psychological abnormalities. A clear test for CFS does not yet exist, but researchers are trying to elaborate the many subtle biochemical and physiological changes that take place.

One such group is led by Dr. Paul Cheney, one of the first clinicians to describe the syndrome in the late 1980's and early 90's. Founder and director of the Cheney Clinic in North Carolina, his research is on the cutting edge of our understanding of chronic fatigue. He believes that although the initial event may be viral, it is subsequent abnormalities in protein synthesis and enzyme production that lead to liver and intracellular detoxification failure.

Dr. Cheney initially used oral glutathione or injectable glutathione and later the GSH precursor drug NAC (N-acetylcysteine), all with modest success. When bioactive, undenatured whey protein
became available, many patients responded with dramatic results. This dietary source of GSH precursors is described in Chapter 4.

The well-recognized German immunochemist Dr. Wulf Droge has coined the term "Low CG Syndrome" to describe a number of disease states associated with a depletion of (C)ysteine and (G)lutathione. These include chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS, certain cancers, sepsis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, major trauma, and others."

It is clear from this information that there is a connection between low glutathione levels and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well as a connection between a low functioning immune system and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Since glutathione is food for your immune system, this will have a positive effect on the patient's immune system.

From the studies done thus far, there is good reason to believe that raising a Chronic Fatigue patient's glutathione levels would be beneficial. The bioactive, undenatured whey protein mentioned in the studies above is Glutathione Precursor.

Immunocal is the most effective, safe, and natural way to raise and sustain your glutathione.

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